Prevent Train the Trainer - 21 March, 13 00 - 15 00 via Temas

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Preparing Senior Leaders and Safeguarding Leads to deliver Prevent Training in their settings. Prevent training can then be managed by each setting to meet their own training needs including refresher and induction training. Resources and subsequent updates will be provided to participants.


The Content will include:

  • The Prevent Strategy and key responsibilities for education settings,
  • The current local and national level of threat and risk from extremist groups,
  • Why and how extremist groups try to radicalise others,
  • Who may be vulnerable to radicalisation and the actions that can be taken to protect them,
  • Help and support available in Bradford.In addition, there will be a DSL update on the new Prevent Guidance including Risk Assessments.

Completing the TTT session means that;

  • your setting has the flexibility to deliver Prevent awareness training within your own training framework without having to schedule an external trainer.
  • prevent awareness training can be part of all induction programmes,
  • materials, updates and support materials are updated through the TTT mailing list.

Please register your place at

The Teams link will be sent after registration.


Published: 13/03/2024
Audience: Headteacher, Safeguarding Leads
Contact: Geraldine Cooper

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