Built Environment SLA

To be completed by: Tue 05 Mar 2024

Time: -Tue 05 Mar 2024 | Venue:

Built Environment SLA renewals started early this year.

Most customers have now completed their Built Environment SLA renewal/registration however a few remain outstanding.  Please check your SLA renewal status.  If you have started the process but have not clicked ‘submit’ then your renewal has not yet been completed.  It will ahve been saved.  Please log on and complete the registration by clicking the submit button.

If you have not yet started it but require it, then please can you do so urgently. You can access the site through our website https://builtenvironment.bradford.gov.uk/ and selecting 'Bradford Schools Login' tab at the top of the page.  Follow through by clicking on the link within the page it take you to. Any issues then don't hesitate to contact Razwana.

Built Environment required an earlier than normal renewal/registration this year as the Computer Aided Facilities Management Systems is changing to a new improved system.  During this time, some processing will be restricted while data is being transferred.  The new system will be much more user friendly, have easier access to relevant documentation/information and will be used both by contractors and customers alike so will enable access to live and relevant information at all times.

The target date this year for renewals/registrations was end of February.  We are extending this by a few days.  Please can you complete renewal/registration by end of Tuesday 5th March 2024.


Published: 01/03/2024
Audience: Headteachers, Business Managers, Site Managers, Office Managers, Estate Managers
Contact: Razwana Mahmood

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