Consultation at Carlton Mills -lowering the age range to include 2yr olds

To be completed by: Tue 26 Mar 2024

Time: -Tue 26 Mar 2024 | Venue:

Proposal for lowering the age range at Carlton Mills Primary School to include children aged 2 years old.

(Tuesday 27th February to Tuesday 26th March 2024)


Your views are important to us.

We would like to gain your views and comments on our school’s proposals and provide you with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the proposals.


Background information


Carlton Mills Primary School, Scotchman Road, BD9 5AT currently admits pupils aged 3 to 11 (inclusive).


What are we proposing and where?

Carlton Mills Primary School are proposing to lower the age range to enable the school to provide early years entitlement places for 2-year-olds. This extension would consist of 8 x 2-year-old places in the morning session and 8 x 2-year-old places in the afternoon session.

The primary reason to propose this change is offer parents and carers of Carlton Mills Primary School 15 hours 2-year-old entitlement for eligible children from the most disadvantaged backgrounds and the new entitlement of 15 hours for 2-year-olds of eligible working parents, which will extend to 30 hours in September 2025.


Why are we undertaking a Statutory Consultation?

Before an Academy can make changes there is a process that the Academy and Trust must follow. Whenever an Academy proposes to make a change to the age range of a school, all interested parties who are likely to be affected by the proposals must be consulted in the development of the proposals.

We are commencing a 4-week Statutory Consultation phase which will run from Tuesday 27th February to Tuesday 26th March 2024 at 4pm.


When are we proposing the change?

An indicative timeline for completing the Statutory Consultation and processes is set out below:





4-week Consultation period begins.

Tuesday 27th February 2024

Published on school & Trusts website, Bradford Schools online and sent to all consultees (see list below)

Tuesday 27th February 2024

Analysing consultation responses and make any changes necessary. (if major changes are deemed necessary then we may need to reconsult)

Wednesday 27th to Friday 29th March

Report to Regional Schools commissioner to consider the outcome of consultation and determine proposals

Wednesday 17th April

Proposed implementation date


2nd September 2024 


Who are we consulting with?

  • Parents/Carers
  • School Staff and Governors
  • Elected Members
  • Local MPs
  • Trade Unions
  • Local Early Years & Childcare Providers
  • Local Parish & Mosque Councils
  • Any other interested parties


Why are we consulting with you?

Whenever an Academy School proposes to lower the age range of a school to accommodate nursery aged children, all interested parties who are likely to be affected by the proposals must be consulted in the development of the proposals.

It is important that the proposals are the subject of broad consultation with all interested parties to ensure that your views are considered and that you are fully informed and involved before a final recommendation to the Regional Schools Commissioner is made.

Prior to making any decisions in relation to the proposals the responses to the consultation will be fully analysed. The shared views will help shape the final report which will be presented to Regional Schools Commissioner for consideration on the Wednesday 17th April 2024.

All of the above documents can be found online by visiting:

Admissions | Carlton Mills (

Questions to consider in response to this consultation.


  1. What capacity are you responding to this consultation in? (Parent, Trustee, Local Resident, Staff, etc)


  1. Do you agree with the proposal? Please explain your answer to assist us in shaping the proposal.


How to respond to the consultation

1. Please send any written responses to the e-mail below:

2.If you do not have access to the internet or you would prefer a paper copy of any of the documents, please contact the office or telephone 01274 401060

Thank you for taking the time to read this consultation document.  Your views are important. 



Published: 27/02/2024
Audience: Early Year Providers, Head teachers, Primary Schools
Contact: Thomas Sayegh

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