Data Protection Network for Bradford Schools

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The first meeting of this data protection network/group will take place on 28th February.

The first meeting of this group for Data Protection Officers and Leads in Bradford Schools will take place on 28th February 10-11am (Teams Meeting). The aims of the group (subject to further discussion) are to:

1. Hold regular meetings (probably termly) to discuss current GDPR issues and experiences in Bradford Schools.

2. Offer a network to share and discuss GDPR related problems (via e-mail / social media).

3. Have speakers at meetings on specific GDPR in schools related issues.

If you are interested in attending, please e-mail me - - and I will send you an invite.


Published: 22/02/2024
Audience: Data Protection Officers/Leads in Schools
Contact: Adam Varley

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