Making robust maths assessments.

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Maths assessment training is available for Y1-4.

Making robust assessments is crucial to secure ongoing pupil progress. The following sessions aim to support staff in making accurate judgements in maths. This goes beyond a paper test and looks at how staff can practically assess and identify next steps.


Sessions will be led by maths consultant Sharon Day.

Places are limited so please book ASAP to secure a booking.

Y1 Thurs 18th April AM or PM

Y2 Fri 19th April AM or PM

Y3 Thurs 25th April PM

Y4 Fri 26th April PM


Published: 21/02/2024
Audience: Senior leaders, phase leads, maths leads, assessment leads, year group teachers.
Contact: Sarah Burtoft

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