Author of the Loving Earth visits schools.

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Retired teacher and author of The Loving Earth continues to visit Primary schools around the District.

Deane Narayn-Lee self published his book, The Loving Earth, last autumn. Since then, he has been touring around Bradford schools delivering assemblies and in class workshops.

The book focuses on Climate Change and the human involvement over time which has impacted on the environment. This beautifully illustrated book can be a starting point for a whole project on the issue. In order to help teachers, Deane has also developed a bank of ideas for staff to use as a basis for future lessons on the topic.

World book day and Science week are already fully booked but there are plenty of spaces available from April onwards

A new ebook has now been produced which could be used for whole school assemblies or in class.

The visits are of no cost to schools although Deane would appreciate some sales of the book to cover his time.

Copies can be ordered directly from Deane or via his website. https://the

Next year, visits will be charged for a nominal price of £50 per session. So why not take advantage of the free visits before July?

Contact Deane at or the email address attached to this news item.



Published: 20/02/2024
Audience: Headteachers, Teachers, Literacy leads, Science leads.
Contact: Deane Narayn-Lee

This item has been viewed 342 times.