Ilkley Grammar School Travel Arrangements consultation

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Consultation on Proposed Changes to the Travel Arrangements for Pupils Travelling to Ilkley Grammar School Using Dedicated Bus Services from Menston and Burley-in-Wharfedale.

Bradford Council is proposing a change to the travel arrangements it makes for all eligible pupils using the dedicated bus services G23, G24, G25, G26 and G27 to Ilkley Grammar School.

The proposal will not affect the eligibility criteria in the Home to School Travel and Transport Policy for Children of Compulsory School Age or the Post-16 Transport Policy Statement. This means that all pupils currently receiving free travel will continue to do so but in a different way and pupils in the future that become eligible for free travel will be offered a railcard and not a dedicated bus service.

The proposal is to discontinue the dedicated school bus services referred to above and to issue railcards that can be used between Burley-in-Wharfedale or Menston (if it is the nearer station) and to use the rail service that runs to Ilkley. Ther are 4 trains an hour at peak times and there is capacity for all current bus users to transfer to this service. All fare paying pupils using these services will be able to buy rail tickets as well.

The proposed change will be implemented from September 2024.

The change from buses to trains will enable the Council to remove 10 bus journeys per day from the roads. Local Authorities have a duty to promote sustainable modes of transport to schools. It will also be a more cost effective way of providing free travel for pupils in this area.

The Local Authority recognises that any change to the current transport offer may result in unforeseen issues that may need addressing. It is important to ensure that all interested parties are given the opportunity to express their views for consideration and to this end, I am writing to Parents and Carers, Governors and Headteachers of all schools and in the locality to inform them of the proposals.

Anyone wishing to express a view or comment on the proposals can do so in writing either by post the address below or by email to to be received before midnight on Sunday, 31 March 2024.

Travel Assistance Service,

Margaret McMillan Tower

Princes Way





Published: 19/02/2024
Audience: Schools primarily in Ilkley, Wharfedale and Menston
Contact: Steve Hemming

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