Author of the Loving Earth visits schools.

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Author of The Loving Earth continues to visit schools around Bradford.

Deane Narayn-Lee, a retired Advanced Skills Teacher, published an illustrated children's book in October. Since then he has been offering free author visits to schools in the area. These visits have proved extremely popular and teachers are beginning to use the story as a starting point to teaching topics related to climate change.

' As an ex teacher, I feel that I still have something to offer the schools of Bradford. I am really enjoying working alongside teachers again as well as meeting the children,' said Deane.

Deane has provided assemblies and in-class workshops. He has also developed a bank of ideas for further work related to the book which are proving popular.

Please get in touch with Deane to book a visit.

You can also visit his website at The Loving Earth



Published: 05/02/2024
Audience: Teachers, Headteachers, Asst Heads
Contact: Deane Narayn-Lee

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