Author of the Loving Earth visits schools.

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Deane Narayn-Lee, author of The Loving Earth, has visited several Bradford schools since publication of the book last Autumn.

The visits take the form of whole school assemblies or classroom based visits. Deane, a retired teacher, has also developed a range of cross curricular activities for teachers to use alongside the story. The book, aimed at Primary aged children, focuses on the human impact on the climate and environment. Deane, who taught in Bradford for 27 years, wants to give something back to the children and teachers of Bradford by providing these free sessions for schools. If interested, check out his website The Loving Earth or contact him via email



Published: 10/01/2024
Audience: School leadership, Heads, Deputies, Teachers and Consultants. Literacy Leads.
Contact: Deane Narayn-Lee

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