SFVS training for staff (& governors) Tue 16 Jan 10am - face to face

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Attend face to face training and hear how to complete the SFVS document to a high standard & make it effective in assessing your school finance administration. Opportunity to ask questions, hear best practice. Refreshment provided. Save yourself time & grief in the long run. Book now via S4B

Understand your role in the SFVS process, get clarity on what is required, why and how best to achieve completion of the SFVS documentation by the deadline.

The face to face session will be led by Bradford Council Internal Audit and will support school officers in understanding the expectations of the SFVS process, explaining key questions on the checklist, taking the audience through the six areas of resource management requiring attention.
The session will include insight into the pitfalls and common errors made and how to avoid them.

The training is for school officers of all maintained schools (governros may also choose to book)


It is for Business Managers, Finance Officers and Heads, to support them in their roles of confirming that their school has effective financial management procedures and practices in place, to ensure the optimal use of resources.
They will understand their role in SFVS; be made aware of the deadlines and timetable of SFVS; the structure of the document (and associated documents); have greater understanding of the value of SFVS in clarifying their role and be made aware of other support available. 

Booking Information

click: SFVS for school staff Tue 16 January 2024 10am-12noon Margaret McMillan Tower, BD1 1NN 

Each participant must book a place. School Governro Service course charges and cancellation arrangments appy to each booking. Please book on www.skills4bradford.gov.uk or contact school.governor@bradford.gov.uk to book a place.
If you have any queries please do contact us at school.governor@bradford.gov.uk


Published: 10/01/2024
Audience: Headteacher; school business manager; governors from maintained schools
Contact: school.governor@bradford.gov.uk

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