Academies - Statutory Moderation and Monitoring

To be completed by: Fri 12 Jan 2024

Time: -Fri 12 Jan 2024 | Venue:

The deadline for academies to have a written agreement in place for Statutory Moderation and Monitoring is 12th January.

If you intend to use Bradford LA for this function please purchase the SLA for Statutory Moderation and Monitoring 2024 from Skills for Bradford. You will not be charged unless your school is selected for a moderation visit.


It is essential that this is in place by 12th January as we have a duty to report those academies without a written agreement after this date.


If you have any queries or wish to discuss this further please don’t hesitate to contact the LAs Moderation Manager Sarah Burtoft; / 07974 585728



Published: 02/01/2024
Audience: Head Teacher
Contact: Sarah Burtoft

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