The face to face session held at Margaret McMillan Tower BD1 1NN will be led by Bradford Council Internal Audit and will support school officers in understanding the expectations of the SFVS process, explaining key questions on the checklist, taking the
audience through the six areas of resource management requiring attention.
The session will include insight into the pitfalls and common errors made and how to avoid them.
The training is for school officers of all maintained schools .
Please would applicants share your thoughts on areas of particular interest that you would like covered by the course - email
It will be aimed at Business Managers, Finance Officers and Heads, to support them in their roles of confirming that their school has effective financial management procedures and practices in place, to ensure the optimal use of resources.
They will understand their role in SFVS; be made aware of the deadlines and timetable of SFVS; the structure of the document (and associated documents); have greater understanding of the value of SFVS in clarifying their role and be made aware of other support
Although Governors could choose to attend this staff training session, the Governor focused 'SFVS Webinar - guidance for governors' is available through eLearning and can be access at any time after booking on, any
queries please email
Booking Information
Face to face session at Margaret McMillan Tower BD1 1NNE 10am-12noon.Each participant must book a place. Please book on or contact to
book a place.
If you have any queries please do contact us at