Youth Voice - Young Ambassador opportunity

To be completed by:

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Feel free to share with young people (aged 16-25) the opportunity to become a Young Ambassador.

Paid Opportunity for young people aged 16-25 to become a Young Ambassador.

The Ambassador Model 

In 2021/22 Public Health Bradford supported the development of the Young Covid Ambassadors Project. The ambassadors played a significant role in establishing a clear channel of communication between the community and decision makers of the city. The ambassadors used their local knowledge and ability to engage their peers in dialogue about how the pandemic was impacting their health, well being and behaviour. The ambassadors were supported to reflect, analyse and contextualise what they had heard. In doing so, the ambassadors were able share a unique insight into the lived experiences of young people across the city. These insights provided primary data which helped to shape the public health response. The project helped build trust at all levels and supported young people to understand that their knowledge, skills and experience are an important part of Bradford’s research journey.  

Community Voice and Influence  

In 2023/24 the Ambassadors will work alongside the localities Youth Work teams to create opportunities for engagement. Through local opportunities such as activities, events and workshops young people will be able to share, learn and support one another in their experiences of health and the factors that determine individual well-being. These opportunities will be used to understand the needs of the community and how local services can respond differently. The ambassadors will visit youth projects, schools, colleges, and community events. The ambassadors will also respond to requests for youth consultation / insight on issues of interest. 

Research and Development  

The Ambassadors will be supported by the Youth Service to share local knowledge, experience and learning with the NIHR Health Determinants Research Collaboration. The collaboration will frame local experience and data and communicate community need with key stakeholders such as: Police, Health, Education and Local Government and the Well Being Board. The coproduction of this research will provide the council with the capacity to not just access but build relationships with all communities in which young people live.  


There will be an extensive recruitment of young people from marginalized communities with specific support for young people with experience of care. The Youth Service will use a grassroots approach to support all young people to be aware of the opportunity and provide access to information, advice and guidance on how to apply. Young people in each community will feel empowered to apply. The application/interview process will provide all young people with an opportunity to gain access to volunteering, work placements and further training.  

Employment and Training  

The Ambassadors will have the opportunity to develop skills in Youth and Community work. They will gain firsthand experience of working within the localities model whilst being mentored, supervised, and developed into qualified Youth Support Workers. Over 12 months they will have the opportunity to gain a Youth Work qualification and functional skills in English and Maths. After 12 months the ambassadors will understand more about the pathways to further qualifications and training/apprenticeships.  



  • The Ambassadors will have built strong relationships within the communities they have supported.  

  • Children, Young People and Families will feel confidence to engage in local opportunities. 

  • There will be a high level of trust in local services offering access to positive activities.  

  • Stakeholders will hold a greater understanding of children’s lived experience. 

  • There will be a stronger foundation for the coproduction of local support. 

  • Local communities will have experience of positive relationships that enable and encourage local access. 

  • There will be an increase in the number of families accessing early help and prevention services linked to health and well-being initiatives.   

  • Stakeholder will see a clear linkage to the Child Friendly City and communicate the strength of the partnership. 

  • The experience will stimulate further opportunities for young people to engage and take ownership of platforms that further support youth voice. 

  • The experience will fuel ambition to access further education, employment and training within local government, NHS and the third sector. 


For further information please contact 


Published: 20/11/2023
Audience: Post-16
Contact: Dorothy Shepherd

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