Bradford Academy Trust- Admissions Consultation

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The Board of Trustees at Bradford Academy Trust, as the admissions authority, intends to determine (set and approve) the following admissions policy arrangements for entry into Bradford Academy in the academic year September 2025 to July 2026.

Bradford Academy wants to consult regarding the over subscription criteria to promote diversity and inclusion, ensuring that students from various backgrounds and abilities have equitable access to quality education with a more accessible and transparent admissions policy.

There is no change to the way parents/carers apply for a place at the schools; however, there are changes to the oversubscription criteria.

A copy of the proposed Admissions Policy can be accessed on the link below.

Admissions - Bradford Academy

How to Respond

This consultation will run for a six-week period from 17th November 2023 until 29th December 2023.

We welcome your views and encourage you to respond by the deadline of Friday, 29th December 2023. You are invited to submit comments by emailing us at 


Published: 17/11/2023
Audience: Headteachers
Contact: Philippa Darbandi

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