Consultation - Proposal to increase PAN & Admission policy Carlton Keighley

To be completed by: Mon 08 Jan 2024

Time: -Mon 08 Jan 2024 | Venue:

Consultation on Increasing the Published Admission Number (PAN) and changes to Admission Policy from 2025.


We would like to thank all of the members of our community for their continued support in helping the school achieve its mission of excellence for all. As a result of the continued improvements seen at school, leading to an enhanced reputation in the wider community, Carlton Keighley has become an oversubscribed school.


With its current PAN of 150 students per year group, the school is unable to accommodate more students without consultation as part of the Admission Code 2021.The school would therefore like to consult with stakeholders to increase the PAN from 150 students to 180, and consult regarding minor additions to its admission policy which will mirror the other secondary schools that are part of Carlton Academy Trust


Further details on the proposed Admission policy can be found on the website here: Admissions - Carlton Keighley Secondary


The consultation will run from Monday 13th November 2023 to Monday 8th January 2024. The outcome of the consultation will be posted on the website once determined.


If you have any feedback or questions regarding the proposed changes, please contact the Carlton Academy Trust Director of Data, Tom Sayegh, via before the 8th January 2024.


We would welcome your views regarding the proposed changes.


Published: 14/11/2023
Audience: Headteachers
Contact: Tom Sayegh

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