Head Teacher Briefing Statutory Monitoring and Moderation 2023/24

To be completed by: 10:45

Time: Thu 09 Nov 2023 09:30-10:45 | Venue: Microsoft teams

Autumn Term Briefing for Statutory and Non Statutory Assessment

The briefing will cover:

  • review of 22/23
  • statutory assessments 23/24
  • changes from Standards & Testing Agency
  • moderation & monitoring arrangements 23/24
  • support & training available 

There will also be input from the datat team with a demo of Persepctive Light. Perspective Lite enables access to everything from early national data for EYFSP, Phonics, KS1 and K2 to unique Ofsted Lead Inspector profiles.  Schools can also save time preparing for governor meetings or school improvement meetings with the handy infographics tool for census data.


Places can be booked on Skills4Bradford and a link will be provided to the meeting.


Published: 31/10/2023
Audience: Head Teachers Head of School Assessment Leads
Contact: Sarah Burtoft

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