Why are we undertaking this consultation?
The purpose of this communication is to provide an opportunity for stakeholders’ views on the current admissions arrangements at Bingley Grammar School. The School Admissions Code 2021, paragraph 1.45, requires that all admissions authorities must consult
every 7 years even if there have not been any changes to the school’s Admissions Policy.
Who are we consulting with?
During this statutory consultation we will consult with:
- Parents and carers of current and prospective students
- Members of school staff
- Bradford Schools Online
- Other persons in the relevant area who have an interest in the admissions arrangements at Bingley Grammar School
When are we consulting?
Bingley Grammar School will be undertaking this 6 week process between October 16th and December 11th 2023
Are there any changes to our Admissions Arrangements?
No. You can see our Admissions Policy on our website at
How can you respond?
You can let us know what you think by completing the brief online questionnaire
What happens after the consultation period?
After the consultation closes the responses will be collated and presented to the School’s Admission Committee who determine the admissions arrangements. The outcome will be published on our website by February 2024
Consultation published: October 2023