Digital Leader Academy opportunity - 2 places remaining Cohort 1 2023

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Paul Scott, Curriculum Innovation Manager, is delivering the only face to face Digital Leader programme of this academic year at The Innovation Centre Bradford for a member of staff and 6 pupils to attend on the morning of 30 November 2023.

Digital Leaders are pupils trained to be experts and advocates of using appropriate technologies in schools allowing them to act as ambassadors and peer mentors for staff, students and parents. This has resulted in a range of connected technologies and pedagogies used effectively to raise self esteem, improve attainment, develop communication and collaboration skills, independent learning and engagement across the curriculum. 

Our Digital Leader Academy Programme enables children to:

  • Describe and model the safe and responsible use of a range of technologies.
  • Demonstrate appropriate knowledge and understanding of specific technologies relevant to each school context.
  • Exhibit good communication skills and collaborate effectively with staff and students.
  • Understand the concept of ‘Student Voice’ and become a conduit for this across the school with reference to the use of innovative digital and mobile technology.

The programme comprises of 2 half day training sessions, a celebration event and a remote school visit via Microsoft Teams for a member of staff and 6 children.

Cohort 1 dates - book your place here

Session 1 - 230 November 2023
Virtual visit - week commencing  29 January 2024
Session 2 - 6 March 2024
Celebration event - 4 July 2024

The cost of the programme is £600 (£550 for schools with a Curriculum Innovation subscription package) for a member of staff and 6 children to attend. For further information click here.




Published: 05/10/2023
Audience: Primary school staff
Contact: Sarah Hawkins

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