50 Things to Do Ages Five to Eleven Information Sessions

To be completed by: 12:30

Time: Tue 03 Oct 2023 12:00-12:30 | Venue: Virtual Event

Do you work in a school? Do you want to know more about 50 Things to Do Ages Five to Eleven? Join our Project Officers Rachael Dennis and Zara Thornborough to find out more about how you can use it to complement the existing curriculum and to support home-school relationships.

Do you work in a school? Do you want to know more about 50 Things to Do Ages Five to Eleven? Join our Project Officers Rachael Dennis and Zara Thornborough to find out more about how you can use it to complement the existing curriculum and to support home-school relationships.


Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1gCl0OfGD_fNE--3gAHlvlY7UmaAWstYoMtz9ccUkwFo/


Published: 26/09/2023
Audience: Primary Schools People working with children Community Centre
Contact: 50 Things to Do

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