Proposal for lowering the age range at Hoyle Court Primary School

To be completed by: Sun 01 Oct 2023

Time: -Sun 01 Oct 2023 | Venue:

Bradford Local Authority is proposing to lower the age range of Hoyle Court Primary School to enable the school to provide early year entitlement places for 2, 3 and 4 years old.

All documents relating to the consultation can be found online at the Bradford Council Consultation and Engagement Page.

The consultation period will run from 4th September 2023 until 16:00on the 1st October 2023.

During the consultation period any person or organisation may submit written objections or supporting comments through various channels listed below.

  1. Complete the Statutory Consultation questionnaire online, no later than 16:00 on the 1st October 2023

        Click the link below or scan the QR code with your mobile device.

  1. If you do not have access to the internet or you would prefer a paper copy of any of the documents, please contact George Parker, Planning and Sufficiency Officer on 07977590596 or e-mail –
  1. Attend our online public consultation meeting via Microsoft Teams – 18:15 on the 21st September 2023.

If you wish to attend the meeting, please contact and we will send you a link.

  1. Alternatively, please send any written responses to the e-mail below: or by post to George Parker, Planning and Sufficiency Officer, Intelligence and Sufficiency Service, 7th Floor Margaret McMillan Tower, Bradford BD1 1NN.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article.  Your views are important.  Please make your views known to us by completing the consultation questionnaire or let us have your comments. 


Published: 25/09/2023
Audience: All Headteachers and School Staff
Contact: George Parker

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