CPD - Online Safety Mark overview Thursday 19 Oct

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

This short course, delivered by Paul Scott, is an ideal introduction into developing awareness of Online Safety provision and to understand the processes, practices and documentation needed to achieve the Online Safety Mark. It is also useful for schools whose accreditation has lapsed.


Safeguarding is a priority for all schools and ensuring your safeguarding provision includes appropriate Online Safety processes and practice is sometimes challenging.

Our Curriculum Innovation consultants are South West Grid for Learning (SWGfL) accredited Online Safety Mark assessors and are very knowledgeable and experienced supporting schools in this area and utilise the free ‘Ofsted recognised’ Online Safety Self-Review Tool from SWGfL available here https://360safe.org.uk/. This is an excellent tool for schools to implement a whole school Online Safety review and then develop a clear and achievable action plan with the opportunity to apply for the ‘Online Safety Mark’.


Be aware of the need to have clear and effective Online Safety policies / accreditation in your school
Understand and identify Online Safety roles and responsibilities within the staff at your school
Understand how to access and utilise the free SWGfL Online Safety Self-Review Tool
Have an overview of the processes, practices and documentation needed to achieve the Online Safety Mark

Booking Information

All training is delivered at the Innovation Centre and the cost of this training course is £100 (£90 for subscribing schools).

All rooms at The Innovation Centre Bradford are located on the 3rd floor of the Digital Exchange. Access to the centre is either via stairs or a lift. If your delegate(s) has accessibility and special requirements please provide details via the online booking form. Light refreshments of tea, coffee and biscuits are provided, if you have special dietary requirements please mention these on your online booking.

To book your place click here


Published: 21/09/2023
Audience: Primary staff with responsibility for Safeguarding and SLT responsible for computing/online safety
Contact: Sarah Hawkins

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