Safety of Women and Girls

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

I am reaching out to request your support in an important initiative aimed at improving the safety of women and girls within our community. I believe that your input and engagement with pupils can contribute significantly to this important agenda.

Could I request that your staff conduct a consultation with your Year 5 and 6 pupils, during a PHSE session, on the topic of women and girls' safety. The consultation will involve discussing pupil perspectives, experiences, and suggestions regarding safety concerns, and seeking their feedback on potential measures to enhance safety – I have included the questions below, for your information.

The involvement of your pupils in this process, will not only enrich the quality of insights but also help empower your pupils to actively participate in creating a safer environment for all.

I would really appreciate your support and kindly request that you share your feedback with me via email, once the consultation is complete.

The deadline for all feedback is the 20th October at 4.00pm.

Many thanks in advance for your support and please do let me know if you have any further questions.


Years 5, 6 - SOWG Consultation Questions – Primary School Children

It's important to create an open and non-judgmental environment where young people feel comfortable sharing their perspectives.


Year Group____________     Total number of pupils ________

 Number of students who identify as:   Male______       Female_______   Other________


  1. What does being kind and respectful mean to you?


  1. What makes you feel safe and happy? Are there times when you don't feel safe or happy? Can you tell us more about that?


  1. How do you think we can help girls and women feel safe and respected in our community?


  1. Can you think of some things we can do to make sure that everyone's feelings are considered and no one is hurt or scared?


  1. Have you seen any TV shows, movies, or videos where people are not being treated nicely? How do you think we can make those situations better?


  1. What does it mean to listen to others and to believe them when they are telling us about something that's bothering them?


  1. Do you think boys and girls should be allowed to do the same things? Why is it important for everyone to have the same opportunities?


  1. Have you ever heard the word "consent"? Can you tell us what you think it means?


  1. How can we help everyone understand that it's not okay to hurt or tease anyone, no matter if they're a boy or a girl?


  1. Can you think of ways we can help boys and girls feel strong and confident? What can we do to support each other?


  1. If you ever saw someone being treated in a way that didn't seem right, what do you think you could do to help them?


  1. How can schools be a place where everyone feels safe, included, and treated nicely? Do you have any ideas?


  1. What kind of stories or games do you enjoy that teach you about friendship, kindness, and fairness?


  1. How can we make sure that everyone understands that it's important to speak up if something isn't right?


  1. Do you know any grown-ups who help take care of you? How do they help you when you have problems or worries?


  1. Can you think of ways we can use art, drawings, or stories to help others understand why being kind and respectful is so important?


  1. What would you say to your friends if you wanted to tell them that hurting someone or being mean is not okay?


  1. How do you think we can make sure that everyone knows that boys and girls are both special and important?


  1. If you could imagine a world where everyone was treated nicely and felt safe, what would it look like? What could we do to make that world real?


Published: 18/09/2023
Audience: Primary School Head Teachers, DSLs, Pastoral Leads
Contact: Assia Hussain

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