Students Speak:
A Youth Voice Summit on Emotional Wellbeing
Thursday 16th November 2023
0945-1400, Life Centre Events BD3
Workshops, Activities, Marketplace Area. Lunch and Refreshments included.
Up to ten free places for your school/college (secondary schools and colleges only)
This event will be:
- an opportunity for students to work together to develop the local Healthy Minds approach to supporting mental health and wellbeing for schools and settings in Bradford District.
- an opportunity for students (and staff) to develop a data and evidence led understanding of young people’s emotional wellbeing, ‘what does the data tell us?’ - and use this to inform new interventions and approaches that work for your students
- an opportunity to share any good practice from your school and to learn and be inspired by student-led approaches that have already proven to be effective elsewhere.
If you have a project to share from your school, please let us know!
- an opportunity to find out about the ‘mental health and wellbeing support offer’ that is available for young people, schools and settings in Bradford District through our marketplace area of local providers.
- fun, inclusive and engaging for your learners.
Ideally your ten places would be for 8x student representatives (school councillors/leaders or a students passionate about improving wellbeing) along with 2x members of staff.
We are entirely flexible with bookings to meet the needs of your school and your learners, just get in touch if you have a specific ask.
- Lunch and refreshments are provided and
the venue is accessible with good car/minibus parking.
- Please get in touch if your school/students would like to display any of your wellbeing projects in our Marketplace area or present a case study at the event.
Book your free tickets