Student Voice Summit on Emotional Health and Wellbeing - 16/11/23

To be completed by: 14:00

Time: Thu 16 Nov 2023 09:45-14:00 | Venue: Life Centre

We are inviting secondary schools and colleges to bring student representatives to attend a Students Speak: Youth Voice Summit on Emotional Health and Wellbeing on 16/11/23

Secondary schools and colleges are invited to bring student representatives to attend a Bradford District:

Students Speak: Youth Voice Summit

on Emotional Health and Wellbeing.

> Thursday 16th November 2023, 0945-1400, Life Centre BD3<


Young people in our district have told us they would like more support for their wellbeing and that they are still feeling the social effects of the pandemic. This is in addition to what they have told us about issues they face caused by discrimination as well as by the cost of living crisis.

We are hosting this event to provide a platform to enable students and their schools to work collectively with each other and with service providers and decision-makers to co-produce solutions that could improve student wellbeing in your setting - as well as in other settings across Bradford District.


  • 10 free places available per school, for example 2x staff and 8x student representatives
  • Student representatives could be from your student council or voice group, student leadership body or a cohort of your students passionate about helping their peers to have better wellbeing support
  • Staff could be your student voice/student council lead or a student wellbeing lead
  • The event is for secondary school and college settings in Bradford District
  • Lunch and refreshments are included
  • Performances, activities and a marketplace of local providers
  • Learn about the current youth 'wellbeing picture' in Bradford District; what does the data tell us?
  • Learn about the range of organisations and services that can work with schools and young people to improve student wellbeing
  • Consider the role of student voice and peer-led approaches in improving wellbeing
  • Plan a suggestion(s) to take back to your school/college
  • Understand how young people can campaign for national change


If you have a student-led wellbeing project or programme that you are proud of and would like to spotlight with the other schools in attendance, please get in touch.

For further details and to pre-register for the event, reserving ten places for your school or college please email:




Published: 21/07/2023
Audience: Student Voice, PSHE, Health and Wellbeing, School Leadership, SLT, School Councils
Contact: Richard Cracknell

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