Key Stage Assessment Data

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

IMT would like to thank all schools for the submission of all Key Stage Assessment Data. Information is now available within Perspective Lite for those schools who subscribe to the IMT Traded Service. If you are not currently subscribed to the IMT Traded Service, it is still not too late!

IMT would like to thank all schools for the submission of all Key Stage Assessment Data. For Schools that subscribe to the IMT Traded Service you can log into Perspective Lite to view:

  • Reports (Nova) that includes EYFSP, KS1, Phonics and KS2 reports including contextual data from the census and pupil premium data at school and pupil group levels
  • Pupil list reports that show results for individual pupils
  • Analysis (Insight) which provides easy to read narratives and visualisation of results and the strengths and challenges revealed within the data. 

This is all with reference to emerging national figures compiled from all but one LA in the England.

Should you require any support/training in Perspective Lite please contact

If your school isn’t already subscribed to the SLA, visit our Skills 4 Bradford page for more information.


Published: 21/07/2023
Audience: Headteachers, Senior Leaders, Assessment Leads, School Business Managers
Contact: Ceri Jones

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