Bradford Primary Schools Linking Recruitment 2023-2024

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

There is still time to join our Bradford Primary Schools Linking Programme. As always, we want this programme to be manageable for teachers and impactful, thoughtful and enjoyable for all children.

The programme is curriculum rich, promotes achievement and is based on evidence about effective social contact that reduces prejudice and supports your EDI work. 


Overview for the 2023-2024 Linking Year.

·September CPD1 – Free half day training for pairs of Linking teachers at Margaret McMillan Tower, Bradford.

·Autumn Term – (Phase 1) Pairs of Linked classes will connect and learn from one another through fully resourced lessons exploring the questions Who am I? and Who are we? and connect through a live video call.

·You may wish to include a Neutral Venue Visit into your Linking Year; please can you discuss this with your headteacher/SLT as there will need to be an agreement about this between your two schools before your first planning meeting with your Linking partner teacher.

·January CPD2 – Free half day training for pairs of Linking teachers at Margaret McMillan Tower, Bradford.

·Spring / Summer Term - Class visits take place over the Spring and Summer term so children can meet each other face to face at each school. Again, we provide fully resourced activities for children to enjoy when meeting and working together.

·Social Action- (Phase 2)- The lessons and resources explore the questions Where do we live? and How do we all live well together? and will support children to take part in social action and to share what they care about with one another.

·Phase 3- Activities for Link classes to reflect, celebrate and say goodbye to one another.

There will be no charge to schools to take part in the Bradford Schools Linking Programme, but schools will need to pay the cost of transport to one another’s schools for class visits and if you choose a Neutral Venue Visit you will also need to pay the costs and transport for this.

It would be great to hear your thoughts for Schools Linking in 2023-2024. Please contact 



Published: 12/07/2023
Audience: Teachers
Contact: Jean Whitaker

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