Children and Families Living Well Service

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Are you working with a young person in Bradford District who would benefit from support to achieve a healthy weight?

The Living Well Service run by Bradford Council Public Health Department has a newly established team of child and family advisors working to support children and their families across Bradford District to develop the behaviours associated with achieving a healthy weight.  The Living Well Service child and family team offers each family an allocated advisor who will work closely with parents (or a young person age 13+) continuously throughout their journey. We will start by getting to know families and identifying their barriers, motivations and challenges. Our Living Well advisors will then encourage and inspire the people they are working with to set their own goals and take positive steps towards eating well, moving well, sleeping well and feeling mentally well

What we offer:

  • Trained Living Well advisors who can support children and families to develop the behaviours associated with a healthy weight; eating well, moving well and sleeping well
  • A discrete, positive and non-judgemental approach for children above a healthy weight and their parents. We strive to reduce weight stigma and our support is not focussed on body weight at any stage; children will not be weighed unless they request this themselves
  • Our professional team of advisors are led by a registered dietician and also a registered mental health nurse providing evidence based expertise for families 
  • Tailored support with the same advisor to offer consistency throughout their time with the service
  • A whole family approach where support is focussed on making changes at the household level to create positive sustainable behaviours for all the family
  • Sessions held in the convenience of the family home, with phone based support between sessions.


How to access the service 

Health Professionals Please refer through Systmone by e-referral 

Refer by email - you can request and submit a referral form by emailing:

Self Referral If you are a member of the public looking for support or would simply like to find out more you can contact us on: 01274 435660 (9am-5pm Monday – Friday)




Click on the links below for more information.




Published: 12/07/2023
Audience: Headteacher
Contact: Fatimah Hussain

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