Emergency Comms – Action required!

To be completed by: Fri 21 Jul 2023

Time: -Fri 21 Jul 2023 | Venue:

Recently there have been a number of events that have meant that Bradford Council’s Emergency Management Team (EMT) have required up to date, out of hours Emergency Contact details for schools.

This has not always been available and has caused unnecessary work and wasted vital time trying to locate this information. If an emergency incident occurs at, or close to your school, they need to be able to contact you, even out of hours!

As the school summer holiday will soon be starting, we would be grateful if you could update your school’s page on BSO as soon as possible with the following information…


Name & address of school:

First key holder name:  

Out of Hours contact details:

Position held:


Name & address of school:

Second key holder name:  

Out of Hours contact details:

Position held:


Name & address of school:

Third key holder name:  

Out of Hours contact details:

Position held:


This information can be added via the Update School Details page under Contacts/ Staff (requires login).


Any queries regarding the above request, please contact Emergency.management@bradford.gov.uk

Thank you for your cooperation in competing this.



Published: 11/07/2023
Audience: Head teachers Business school managers, Site managers, Caretakers,
Contact: Lyn Sayles

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