Teachers will find out about DesignLab Nation, the V&A’s national schools programme, run for the past year with local schools. Taking inspiration from this year’s projects, teachers will take part in hands-on activities exploring Islamic art and Bradford’s
textile history, gaining practical skills and expertise to take back to classroom.
Teachers will have the chance to explore Cartwright Hall Art Gallery with museum teams and discover new ways of engaging students with object-based learning.
Participants will also be able to find out about V&A Innovate, a national design challenge for KS3 and take home a range of new V&A teacher resources.
This session will be targeted at KS3/4 Art and Design and D&T teachers, however all teachers will be welcome. Feel free to share with fellow teachers. Participants welcome to arrive from 14:45 for refreshments.
Please contact Emma Reimer
emma.reimer@bradford.gov.uk to reserve your place. Please provide your school’s name on booking.
The CPD will take place at Cartwright Hall Art Gallery, Lister Park, Bradford BD9 4NS. There is a car park in Lister Park, off North Park Road. The main entrance is at the front of Cartwright Hall.
Link for DesignLab Nation CPD information
DesignLab Nation is generously supported by Art Jameel as part of the V&A's Jameel Programme.