Volunteering opportunities available at Bradford Cathedral

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

We're looking for new volunteers to help support two great opportunities - Cathedral Welcomer and Events Support.

Cathedral Welcomers:

  • To provide a warm welcome to all visitors, in accordance with the ethos of the Cathedral.
  • To help visitors appreciate the Cathedral’s beauty and peace, and some of its’ history and heritage.
  • To assist with any queries visitors may have and to signpost to relevant people and information.
  • To liaise with members of staff or clergy as appropriate to ensure calm and smooth running of the Cathedral.
  • To work in accordance with the Cathedral’s policies, particularly relating to on safeguarding, health and safety and security.


Events Support:

Bradford Cathedral holds many events and bookings: some are organised internally; some are in partnership with other event companies; and some are on behalf of external bookers.

To help run these events effectively, there is a role available to help support the set-up, running and set-down. Volunteers in this role will work with the ‘Communications, Marketing and Events Officer’, alongside other members of the team including vergers and the church wardens.

This volunteer role will include some or all of the below positions depending on the volunteer’s interests, abilities and availability:

  • Stewarding: this role includes welcoming people to the Cathedral; checking tickets as part of a box office; showing people to their seats; exit-flyering; and other general problem solving
  • Fire marshalls: this role includes monitoring an event and being positioned near to an assigned fire exit, and helping clear the building of people in the event of a fire or emergency
  • Bar staff: to take drinks orders and serve refreshments, as well as keeping the bar stocked
  • Sales: to take card and card payments for refreshments, tickets and/or programmes and other merchandise
  • Layout: to lay out chairs and other items according to the floor plan; assisting the verger on duty with assembling or dismantling the stage; to return chairs after the event. This may involve lifting and requires an appropriate level of physical fitness.
  • Cleaning: to help collect rubbish and other items during and after an event, and supporting with general sweeping and mopping
  • Photography / social media: to support the event by taking photos or other marketing material

As part of this role, you are invited to stay for the event and watch, when it doesn’t conflict with other duties, alongside free non-alcoholic refreshments during your shift.

Volunteers are encouraged to try as many of these different roles as possible / as suitable, to allow for maximum flexibility in the role.


For more information - and to apply - please visit https://bradfordcathedral.org.uk/get-involved/volunteering/


Published: 08/06/2023
Audience: All
Contact: Bradford Cathedral

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