Summer Reading Challenge

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The Summer Reading Challenge is on its way!  Please see the attached newsletter to find out more.

The Summer Reading Challenge is on its way!  Please read the attached newsletter to find out more.

I have also attached a link to a school presentation which can be used in assemblies across Bradford to promote the challenge with your pupils aged 4 – 11 years.

If you don’t get chance to download this presentation in the next seven days please contact me to issue a new link.

Watch this space for the Bradford Libraries Summer Reading Challenge brochure with hundreds of activities, events and workshops across the summer in libraries for your pupils to take part in.

We will let you know which children in your school complete the challenge so that you can arrange any special celebrations in the new term.   Schools with the largest number of pupils taking part may be awarded a Special Achievement Award!

And finally, why not encourage pupils to join the challenge with the attached Invitation activity where your pupils get to draw the person they would like to go to the library with.

Please contact if you have any queries.

Thanks and happy reading!

Newsletter 2023

Poster 2023

Schools invite


Published: 06/06/2023
Audience: Teachers of children aged 4 to 11
Contact: Susan Brewster-Craig

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