ECT Appropriate Body from September 2023 - survey

To be completed by: Thu 15 Jun 2023

Time: -Thu 15 Jun 2023 | Venue:

We require a response from all schools regarding this survey please. As we are closing the AB service this summer we must ask which Appropriate Body all Bradford schools will be using from 1 September 2023 onwards.

This covers those continuing their induction which has already been started and transferring to a new AB, or those brand new ECTs beginning in your schools next year. Even if you don't currently use Bradford as your AB, or don't have ECTs in September, we need to know which AB you will use once we have closed. This may be the one you use currently, but we are required to have a full picture of AB services across the authority before we close.

Please note, the Appropriate Body is different from the Early Career Framework provider (Ambition, Teach First, Capita etc) - these are NOT Appropriate Bodies. Only Teaching School Hubs can be ABs in the future.

It is expected by the DfE that the new AB is the local Teaching School Hub. In a small number of cases, some Multi Academy Trusts which cross authority borders may use a different geographical TSH based on the location of the majority of their schools.

Local TSH for Bradford – Exceed Teaching School Hub

Find an Appropriate Body

We need a reply from every school by 15 June 2023 please.

The survey will take no more than two minutes to complete.

Please use this link to access the survey on SnapSurvey -

As always, if there are any questions please call 07582 109303 or email

Thank you very much indeed.



Published: 05/06/2023
Audience: Headteachers, ECT co-ordinators, ECT tutors
Contact: Michael Garside

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