They will be offered over a full day session. Our Safer Recruitment sessions are highly acclaimed, and always sell out fast, so be sure to book your place on one of the dates as soon as possible. These sessions will be hosted in differing locations so please
check the details for each individual course, we look forward to seeing you there.
Following the removal of DfE approved safer recruitment training in 2013, professionals from a range of backgrounds were brought together to update the training and ensure its continuing relevance and availability. From this group, a Safer Recruitment Consortium
was formed; made up of NSPCC, Lucy Faithfull Foundation, NASS and CAPE.
Rhys Howarth, HR Business Partner with PACT HR is an accredited trainer and delivers our Safer Recruitment courses. The course is suitable for all members of staff involved at any stage in the Safer Recruitment of staff, volunteers, contractors and freelance
workers and covers:
- Safer recruitment and the wider context of safeguarding
- Prevalence of abuse and profile of abusers
- How abusers operate within organisations
- Features of a safer recruitment process
- Planning a safer recruitment process
- Making the right decisions: interview and selection
- Setting acceptable standards of behaviour and maintaining an ongoing culture of vigilance
Booking Information
Venue: Margaret McMillan Tower, Prince's Way, Bradford, BD1 1NN.
Cost: £125 for PACT HR SLA customers (plus VAT where applicable)
£150 for non-SLA customers (plus VAT where applicable)
The course costs include refreshments, delegate materials and certificate on completion.