Admissions Consultation

To be completed by: Sat 17 Jun 2023

Time: -Sat 17 Jun 2023 | Venue:

Bradford Girls Grammar School and Lady Royd Primary School

Bradford Girls’ Grammar School Admissions Arrangement 2024 Consultation

Bradford Girls’ Grammar School and Lady Royd Primary School are part of Bradford Diocesan Academies (BDAT). When an admission authority wishes to make changes to their admissions arrangements, they must consult to ensure all relevant views are hears. BDAT is consulting on the following changes to the admissions arrangements for Bradford Girls Grammar School and Lady Royd Primary School 

Proposed Changes 

Change to the current Bradford Girls’ Grammar School Policy to split this into two separate policies, one for Secondary and one for Primary.  The oversubscription criteria remains the same for both schools and girls from the Primary school will be able to apply for an automatic transfer to the Secondary School. 

Why are we proposing the change? 

Governors and Trustees are currently consulting with parents and the local community with regards to a proposed de-amalgamation of Bradford Girls’ Grammar school. 

Who are we consulting with 

During this statutory consultation we want to consult with: 

Parents/carers of current pupils and prospective parents of pupils. 

Members of school staff 

Admissions Authorities 

Local Authority 

Councillors and MP’s 

Trade Unions 

Community and?religious organisations 

When are we consulting? 

The consultation will run from 16/5/23 – 16/6/23 

When would the changes come into effect? 

If approved, the arrangements would be introduced from September 2024 

How can you respond? 

You can let us know what you think by completing the online questionnaire?Bradford Girls Grammar School and Lady Royd Primary School Admissions Arrangements September 2024 

Copies of the proposed 2024 Admissions Arrangements can found be found here

Bradford Girls’ Grammar School Admissions Policy for 2024 Entry

Lady Royd Primary Admissions Policy for 2024 Entry

What happens after the consultation period? 

After the consultation closes the responses will be collated and presented to the Trust’s Admissions Committee who will decide whether or not to proceed with the proposed changes and determine the admission arrangements. The outcome will be published on our website by 17th June 2023.


Published: 16/05/2023
Audience: Governors, Schools, Headteachers, parents
Contact: Claire Berry

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