Celebrating Gypsy, Roma, Traveller History Month in June

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Calling all primary schools in Holme Wood, Thornbury, Bolling & Laisterdyke - FREE arts performances at local libraries to celebrate Gypsy, Roma, Traveller History Month in June.

Bradford Libraries is inviting schools to a magical dance, music and
storytelling show by Spin Arts – Queenie and the Pooka!   
(Approx 45mins)  Best for Schools Key Stage 1 & 2.

Image of young person to celebrate Gypsy, Roma, Traveller History Month

Queenie is a Traveller girl with a wild imagination. She dreams of exploring the world as a famous dancer and musician, telling tales of traveller folk through her talents. Unfortunately for Queenie, her parents don’t approve.  Little does she know, a shape-shifting Pooka is trapped in the trailer – and this mischievous faerie has plans for an adventure.

This mesmerising tale uses dance, music and object theatre to capture the imaginations of big and little kids alike. With heartfelt insight into Gypsy Traveller culture and lifestyles, Queenie and the Pooka is a story of
acceptance and following your heart.

Produced by Spin Arts, directed by Carlos Pons Guerra and co-choreographed by Pons Guerra and Keira Martin

Tues 20th June - Holmewood Library 10.30am & 1.30pm
Weds 21st June - Thornbury Library 10.30am & 1.30pm
Fri 23rd June - Laisterdyke Library 10.30am
Fri 23rd June - Bolling Hall 1.30pm

To book in your class for free contact susan.brewster-craig@bradford.gov.uk 
Holme Wood, Bolling & Thornbury can accommodate 1 class per session.
Laisterdyke can accommodate 2 classes at their session.

Please provide school name; year group; contact name and email.  The deadline for applications is Friday 19th May.


Published: 11/05/2023
Audience: primary schools in Holme Wood, Thornbury, Bolling & Laisterdyke
Contact: Susan Brewster-Craig

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