The Bradford School Councils Network

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Child Friendly Bradford District will be establishing a new Bradford School Councils Network to support the staff who run them and the learners who participate in them.

We love School Councils, Pupil Voice and Student Leadership!


In the Autumn Term, Child Friendly Bradford District will be launching a new Bradford School Councils Network. 

In advance of this, we are asking schools to get in touch and let us know a named contact for the member of staff in your school with responsibility for delivering your school council and pupil/student voice work..Just drop us a line to: 

We know that delivering effective pupil voice and school councils can sometimes be a challenege. As a non-statutory area, we hear from staff that there can be a lack of  resources, guidance, training and support. 

This is one of the reasons we would like to create a local network for all our settings 

Becoming part of the Bradford School Councils Network means school council coordinators will:

-Receive newsletters sharing resources, news, toolkits, case studies & good practice

-Receive invites to training and development opportunities for both staff and school councillors

-Receive invites to bring your school councillors to district wide events and workshops

-Receive support to connect your school councillors to your locally elected district councillor

-Have the oppotunity to arrange for your school council to visit Bradford City Hall and learn about local democracy in the magnificent Council Chamber

And it's not just school council structures - we are passionate about all the ways that pupils and students can have a voice and influence within your school community. 


Visit the Child Friendly Bradford website

Visit the Pupil Voice section on BSO

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Published: 11/05/2023
Audience: SLT, Headteachers, SMSC, School Councils, Pupil Voice
Contact: Richard Cracknell

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