Bradford Matrix of Need V1 now published

To be completed by:

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Bradford's Matrix of Need, outlining shared expectations around meeting the needs of children with SEND has now been posted on BSOL. This replaces the previous 'Range Guidance'

Bradford's Matrix of Need, outlining shared expectations around meeting the needs of children with SEND has now been posted on BSOL and the Local Offer. This replaces the previous 'Range Guidance'

It can be found on BSOL under SEND / Graduated Approach / Documentation / Matrix of Need


The Matrix of Need aims to provide clarity on the Graduated Approach and ‘Best Endeavours’ through:


•Identification and Assessment : Tells you how to identify if a CYP has SEND


•Curriculum Access / Teaching and Learning Strategies: Identifies reasonable expectation about what should be in place for CYP with that type / level of need


•Funding / Placement / Support levels: Indicates  LA / school responsibilities, likely placement and suggested support levels.


•Moves away from describing children as ‘Ranges’ and towards using qualitative descriptors.


•Separate guidance for each of areas of COP, with some sub division eg SpLD


•Colour coded to match Progress Grids
•Identifies children likely to require EHCP, but funding band decided on basis of EHC assessment
•Identifies children likely to require specialist placement but funding band decided on basis of EHC assessment


Published: 10/05/2019
Audience: Sencos / Inclusion Leads / Head teacjers
Contact: Ruth Dennis

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