Recruitment of School Governors

Recruitment of School Governors


School governing bodies have considerable responsibilities. In order that these responsibilities might be carried out effectively, it is essential that every governing body is at full strength, has the appropriate balance of representation and that governors with a range of relevant skills are recruited.

If you are interested in becoming a school governor and would like to find out more please  contact

Governor Recruitment option

Any queries or requests for support please contact

Schools can use the following free online matching services -

Free eLearning information session for potential governors

Information session - interested in being a school governor in Bradford District? | Skills 4 Bradford

The free information session by Bradford Council School Governor Service is aimed at dispelling the myths about school governance and giving a clear picture about what modern governance in school looks like today. The session will look at the skills, knowledge and attributes required of governors and  offer the opportunity for discussion, question and answers to get a clear picture of governance in the modern educational landscape.

Potential governors can  also sign up to  governor  recruitment with national not for profit national organisation Governors for Schools and/or goverment supported website Inspiring Governance - both help match potential governors with school vacancies.

These papers below can be completed and sent to for the Bradford Council School Governor Service to respond to and support you in finding a governance role. Thank you for your interest

Schools Need Governors

Application for Appointment as a School Governor

Declaration of Eligibility to Become a Governor

LA Governor Application INFORMATION


CLERKS INFORMATION - LA Governors – process for nomination/re-nomination/appointment

Background info: Local authority governors are nominated by the local authority but appointed by the governing board.


Whilst the local authority can nominate individuals as a local authority governor, it is for the governing board to decide whether the nominee meets their eligibility criteria.  All LA nominated prospective governors complete an application form which will be sent to the relevant school by the School Governor Service.  The governing board will then agree whether or not the nominated person meets their criteria.

Clerks - please follow the process in the document below:

LA Governor - guidance for clerks to Bradford Local Authority maintained schools (and any Trust schools that require an LA governor as written in their scheme of delegation) Any queries contact




Page owned by Meg Curtis, last updated on 05/03/2024. This page has been viewed 21,461 times.