Acronyms and abbreviations

Acronyms and abbreviations


A level Advanced level examinations
ABE Adult Basic Education
ACE Advisory Centre for Education
ACL Adult Community Learning
ACPC Area Child Protection Committee
AI Assigned Inspector
ALI Adult Learning Inspectorate
ALIS A Level Indicator System
AoC Association of Colleges
ALPS Advanced Level Performance System
APT&C Administrative, Professional, Technical and Clerical
AQA Assessment and Qualifications Alliance

Aggregated Schools Budget

ASP Analyse School Performance
ASPECT Association of Professionals in Education and Children’s Trusts
AST Advanced Skills Teacher
AT Attainment Target (in National Curriculum)
ATL Association of Teachers and Lecturers
AWPU Age Weighted Pupil Unit



BA Bachelor of Arts
BAC Behaviour and Attendance Collaborative
BAGA British Amateur Gymnastics Association
BDA British Deaf Association
BDA British Dietetic Association
BDA British Dyslexia Association
BECTA British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
BEd Bachelor of Education
BEI British Education Index
BITC Business in the Community
BLN Bradford Learning Network
BME Black and Minority Ethnic
BSA Basic Skills Agency
BSc Bachelor of Science
BSP Behaviour Support Plan
BSS Behaviour Support Service
BTEC Business and Technology Education Council




C&G City and Guilds
CAB Citizens Advice Bureau
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAF Common Application Form
CAF Common Assessment Framework
CAFM Computer Aided Facilities Management
CAL Computer Assisted Learning
CAM Computer Aided Manufacture
CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
CAP Common Application Process
CAP Child Action Project
CASE Campaign for the Advancement of State Education
CAT Cognitive Ability Test
CAT Curriculum Attainment Target
CATS Credit Accumulation and Transfer System
CCT Compulsory Competitive Tendering
CDT Craft, Design and Technology
CE (Bradford) Confederations Executive
CEG Careers Education Guidance
CEL Central Expenditure Limit
CEM Centre for Education Management
CFE Countryside Foundation for Education
CFET Certificate in Further Education and Training
CFR Consistent Financial Reporting 
CIF Common Inspection Framework
CLAIT Computer Literacy and Information Technology
CMIS Central Management Information System (provided by Serco)
CNAA Council for National Academic Awards
CoVE Centre of Vocational Excellence
CP Child protection
CPA Comprehensive Performance Assessment
CPD Continuing Professional Development
CPS Classroom Teachers Pay Spine
CPVE Certificate of Pre-vocational Education
CRB Criminal Records Bureau
CSIE Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education
CST Curriculum Support Team
CTC City Technology College
CTF Common Transfer File



D&T Design and Technology
DCPO Designated Child Protection Officer
DDA Disability Discrimination Act
DfE Department for Education
DI The Dyslexia Institute
DLO Desirable Learning Outcomes
DOB Date of Birth
DRC Disability Rights Commission
DSG Dedicated School Grant
DSL  Designated Safeguarding Lead  
DTP Desktop Publishing
DWP Department of Work and Pensions



EAB Examinations Appeals Board
EAL English as an Additional Language
EAZ Education Achievement Zone
EAZ Education Action Zone
EBD Emotional and Behavioural Difficulty
EBP Education Business Partnership
EC Excellence Cluster
eCAF Electronic Common Assessment Framework
ECT ECT Early Career Teacher - replaced NQT (Newly Qualified Teacher) in 2021
EDU Education Development Unit
EEF Education Endowment Foundation
EENET Enabling Education Network
EFL English as a Foreign Language
EHCP Education Health & Care Plan
EHP Early Headship Provision
EiC Excellence in Cities
EIP Education Improvement Partnerships
EMA Ethnic Minority Achievement
EMAG Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant
EMAS Ethnic Minorities Achievement Service
EMS Education Management System
EO Education Otherwise
EO Equal Opportunities
EOTAS Education Other than at School
EP Educational Psychologist
EPAS Educational Performance Analysis System (privided to LAS by the NCER)
EPM Education Plan Monitoring
EPT Educational Psychology Team
ERA Education Reform Act
ESF European Social Fund
ESFA Education Skills Funding Agency
ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages
ESW Education Social Worker
EU European Union
EWO Education Welfare Officer
EYCS Early Years and Childcare Service
EYDCP Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership
EYDP Early Years Development Plan
EYFSP Early Years Foundation Stage Programme



FAETC Further and Adult Education Training Certificate
FAP Fair Access Protocol
FE Further Education
FEFC Further Education Funding Council
FENTO Further Education National Training Organisation (replaced by Lifelong Learning UK)
FF Fair Funding
FFS Farms for Schools
FL Family Learning
FLLN Family Literacy, Language and Numeracy
FMS Financial Management System (Capita)
FOI Freedom of Information (Act)
FORM 7 DfE form sent every January requesting school statistics (replaced by PLASC which has, in turn, been replaced by School Census from January 2007)
FRESA Framework for Regional Employment and Skills Action
FRS Fire and Rescue Service
FS Foundation Stage
FSA Financial Services Authority
FSM Free School Meals
FSP Foundation Stage Profile
FSS Formula Spending Share
FTE Full Time Equivalent




General Annual Grant

G&T Gifted and Talented
GBA Governing Bodies Association
GCE A General Certificate of Education Advanced Level
GCE AS General Certificate of Education Advanced Supplementary
GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
GLD Good level of development (an Early Years judgement)
GM Grant Maintained
GNVQ General National Vocational Qualification
GOYH Government Office of Yorkshire and Humberside
GSA Girls' School Association
GSB General Schools Budget
GTC General Teaching Council
H&S Health and Safety



HACSG Hyperactive Children’s Support Group
HE Higher Education
HEADLAMP The Headteachers’ Leadership and Management Programme
HEFC Higher Education Funding Council
HESA Higher Education Statistics Agency
HiMP Health Improvement Plan
HIP Headteachers' Induction Programme (now replaced by EHP)
HMC Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference
HMCI Her Majesty's Chief Inspector
HMI Her Majesty's Inspector(ate)
HMM Healthy Minds Matter
HMSO Her Majesty's Stationery Office
HODs Heads of Departments
HRF Health Related Fitness
HSE Health and Safety Executive
HT Headteacher



IAG Information, Advice and Guidance
IB International Baccalaureate
ICFP Integrated Curriculum & Financial Planning
ICS Integrated Children's System
ICT Information and Communications Technology
IEC Interfaith Education Centre
IEP Individual Education Plan
IfL Institute for Learning
IiC Investors in Children
IIP Investors in People
ILP Individual Learning Plan
ILR Individual Learner Record
ILS Integrated Learning Systems
INSET In-service Education and Training

Instrument of Governance

IRT The Identification, Referral and Tracking of children and young people at risk
IS Index Information Sharing Index
ISA Information Sharing and Assessment
ISA Independent Schools Association
ISB Individual Schools Budget (i.e. the delegated budget for each school)
ISC Independent Schools Council
ISEB Independent Schools Examination Board
ISI Independent Schools Inspectorate
ISIS Independent Schools Information Service
ISP Integrated Service Plan
ISR Individual School Range
IT Information Technology
ITT Initial Teacher Training
IYSS Integrated Youth Support Service



JAR Joint Area Review
JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications



KS Key Stage
KS1 Key Stage 1 Years 1-2 (5 - 7 year olds)
KS2 Key Stage 2 Years 3-6 (8 - 11 year olds)
KS3 Key Stage 3 Years 7-9 (12-14 year olds)
KS4 Key Stage 4 Years 10-11 (15 - 16 year olds)



LA Local Authority
LAC Looked After Children
LAP Local Achievement Partnership
LDP Local Delivery Plan
LEA Local Education Authority
Learndirect National Education and Training Helpline
LIF Local Initiative Fund
LIG Leadership Incentive Grant
LLDD Learner with Learning Difficulties or Disabilities
LMS Local Management of Schools
LMSS Local Management of Special Schools
LPSA Local Public Service Agreement
LPSH Leadership Programme for Serving Headteachers
LRM Local Resource Management
LSB Local Schools Budget (i.e. the total budget available to be spent on schools)
LSC Learning and Skills Council
LSDA Learning Skills Development Agency
LSE Library Services for Education
LSP Local Strategic Partnership
LSW Learning Support Workers



M.Ed Master of Education
MA Master of Arts

Multi Academy Trust

MCI Management Charter Initiative
MENCAP Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults
MFL Modern Foreign Languages
MIND National Association for Mental Health
MIS Management Information System
MLD Moderate Learning Difficulty
MSc Master of Science
MTFS Medium Term Financial Strategy



NACAB National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux
NACE National Association for Able Children in Education
NAGC National Association for Gifted Children
NAGM National Association of Governors and Managers
NAHT National Association of Headteachers
NAPE National Association for Primary Education
NAS National Autistic Society
NASUWT National Association of School Teachers/Union of Women Teachers
NATFHE National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education
NC National Curriculum
NCB National Children's Bureau
NCER National Consortium of Examination Results
NCMA National Childminding Association
NCPTA National Conference of Parent Teacher Associations
NCSL National College of School Leadership
NCT Non-contact time
NCT National Curriculum Tests
NCVQ National Council for Vocational Qualifications
NDS New Deal for Schools
NEET Not in Education, Employment or Training
NEOST National Employers Organisation for School Teachers
NETTS National Education and Training Targets
NEU National Education Union (formerly NUT)
NFER National Federation for Educational Research
NFF National Funding Formula
NGA National Governance Association  
NGC National Council for Governing Bodies
NGFL National Grid for Learning
NHS HT National Health Service Hospital Trust
NHS PT National Health Service Partnership Trust
NIACE National Institute of Adult Continuing Education
NLP National Literacy Project
NN Neighbourhood Nurseries
NNEB National Nursery Examination Board
NOCN National Open College Network
NOF New Opportunities Fund
NoR Number on Roll
NPQH National Professional Qualification for Headship
NPQSL National Professional Qualification for Subject Leaders
NQT Newly Qualified Teacher
NSPCC National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
NUPE National Union of Public Employees
NUT National Union of Teachers (now NEU) 
NVQ National Vocational Qualifications



O and A Observation and Assessment
OCN Open College Network
OCR Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
OFSTED Office for Standards in Education
OOHL Out of Hours Learning
OU Open University



PAN Planned Admission Number
PANDA Performance and Data Analysis
PANDAS Performance and Assessment Documents
PAT Professional Association of Teachers
PATA Parent and Toddler Association
PCT Primary Care Team
PDC Professional Development Consultancy
PE Physical Education
PEACH Parents for the Early intervention of Autism in Children
PEO Principal Education Officer
PEPs Personal Education Plans
PfS Playing for Success
PGCE Postgraduate Certificate of Education
PID Project Initiation Document
PIN Parents Information Network
PIP Performance Improvement Plan
PIs Performance Indicators
PLASC Pupil Level Annual Schools Census (replaced by School Census from January 2007)
PLP Primary Leadership Programme
PO Project Officer
PoCA Protection of Children Act
PoS Programmes of Study (in National Curriculum)
PP Pupil Premium
PPA Pre-school Playgroups Association
PRB Performance Review Board
PRC Pupil Referral Centre
PRP Performance Related Pay
PRU Pupil Referral Unit
PSA Parent School Association
PSE Personal and Social Education
PSED Public Sector Equality Duty
PSHE Personal, Social and Health Education
PSHE+C Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education
PSS Pupil and Student Services Group
PTA Parent Teacher Association
PTR Pupil Teacher Ratio



QAA Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
QAN Qualification Accreditation Number
QCA Qualifications and Curriculum Authority
QTA Qualified Teacher Status
QTPS Qualified Teachers Pay Spine
QTS Qualified Teacher Status



R (Y1, Y2 etc) Reception (Year 1 etc)
RARPA Recognising and recording progress and achievement
RDA Regional Development Agency
RE Religious Education
READS Racial Equality and Diversity Service
RgI Registered Inspector
RoA Record of Achievement
RSA Royal Society of Arts Examination Board

Relationship and Sex Education

RSU Research and Statistics Unit



s2s School to school secure data transfer system
SACRE Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
SAR Self Assessment Report

Single Academy Trust

SATs Standard Assessment Task/Test
SCC School causing concern
School Census Pupil level statistics collected termly by DfE
SCR Single Central Record
SDP School Development Plan
SEF School self-evaluation form issued by Ofsted
SEN Special Educational Needs
SENCO Special Educational Needs Coordinator
SENDA Special Educational Needs Discrimination Act
SEP Single Education Plan
SEU Standards and Effectiveness Unit
SFVS School Financial Value Standard
SHA Secondary Heads Association
SHMIS Society of Headmasters and Headmistresses of Independent Schools
SIMS Schools Information Management System (provided by Capita)
SIP School Improvement Partner
SLA Service Level Agreement
SLC Student Loans Company
SLD Severe Learning Difficulty
SM Special Measures
SMART Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-scaled targets
SMSC Spiritual Moral Social Cultural
SMT Senior Management Team
SN Standard Number (replaced PAL - Planned Admission Level
SOP School Organisation Plan
SoW Scheme of Work
SPAW School Performance Award Scheme
SpLD Specific Learning Difficulty
SRB Single Regeneration Budget
SRS Safer Routes to Schools
SSA Standard Spending Assessment
SSCO School Support Coordinators
SSE School Self Evaluation
SSF School Standards Fund
SSFA School Standards and Framework Act 1998
STABIS State Boarding School Information Service
STRB School Teachers' Review Body
SURE Start Sure Start is a government programme bringing together, early education, childcare, health and family support agencies
SW Serious Weaknesses




Teaching Assistant

TEFL Teaching English as a Foreign Language
TES Times Educational Supplement
TLR Teaching & Learning Responsibility
TP Teachers' Pensions
TTA Teacher Training Agency
TUC Trade Union Congress



UCAS University and Colleges Admissions Service
UfA University of the First Age
ULN Unique Learner Number
UPN Unique Pupil Number



VA Voluntary Aided
VC Voluntary Controlled
VRQ Verbal Reasoning Quotient



WEA Workers Educational Association
WBL Work Based Learning
WYLP West Yorkshire Learning Providers



Y1, Y2 etc Year 1, Year 2 etc
YELLIS Year 11 Indicator System
YIST Youth Inclusion and Support Team
YPLA Youg Person's Learning Agency
YOS Youth Offending Service
YTS Youth Training Scheme


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