Early Career Teacher Induction

Early Career Teacher Induction


New Appropriate Body

Previous ECT assessment forms

Useful links and contacts

GDPR and induction


Bradford has ceased to act as an Appropriate Body

for ECT induction.

Schools should ensure they have selected a new Appropriate Body and check that their exisiting ECTs have been transferred safely to the new AB.

It is expected by the DfE that the new AB schools will choose is the local Teaching School Hub. In a small number of cases, some Multi Academy Trusts which cross authority borders may use a different geographical TSH, based on the location of the majority of their schools.

Local TSH for Bradford – Exceed Teaching School Hub

Find an Appropriate Body



Previous assessment forms

If you require assessment forms or progress reviews for an ECT who has started in your school and who undertook some of their induction in a school using Bradford as the AB please email: ECTInduction@bradford.gov.uk


Useful contacts

Exceed Teaching School Hub Appropriate Body

Department for Education - for all government information about induction

Get into Teaching - the Teacher Regulation Agency website with information about different routes into teaching. Also includes information for Overseas trained teachers.

Teacher Self Service Portal - for teachers to access their own records and claim induction pass certificates

Teacher Reference Number - for ECTs who have lost or forgotten their TRN, this portal will enable you to have it resent


Data protection and retention

On 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force.

These regulations enhance the current data protection regulations to ensure that we all have more control over the way that our data is used.

Our systems and processes remain compliant with new advice and best practice.

As you will be aware, Bradford LA will no longer act as an Appropriate Body from 1 September 2023. All of the data which has been stored on ECT Manager will cease to be accessible from 31 August 2023.

All NQT/ECT assessment forms and progress reviews have been archived as PDFs and will be stored electronically for the relevant length of time in line with GDPR guidance. If ECTs wish to access their own forms we will email them using the Galaxkey secure system. 


Every year we receive requests from schools asking to help trace records from years ago for teachers who have undertaken induction but whose Teaching Regulation Agency (formerly NCTL or GTC) records are showing as "induction not yet completed" or even in some cases "induction not yet started" or "Required to complete".

We have in the past been able to trace records back as far as 2001 in order to resolve this. This will prove to be much harder once records are deleted after six years.

Each year, schools should check that all current staff records on the TRA database (Employer Access database) are showing induction as a pass, or in the cases of ECTs "in process".

It should not be assumed that if the data was checked previously that it remains correct. We have encountered cases where the system has glitched and records appear to have changed.

All staff should, for peace of mind, be encouraged to use the Teacher Self Service Portal in order to download their induction pass certificate - they will need their Teacher Reference Number and date of birth in order to do this.

ECTs each receive an email urging them to do this once they pass, but other more established staff may not yet have done this.

With this certificate, any glitches can be easily proved and the database reset.

Should you have any questions regarding data retention please contact school.improvement@bradford.gov.uk



Page owned by Julie Ioanna, last updated on 12/09/2024. This page has been viewed 36,115 times.