School holidays and term dates

School holidays and term dates

Annual calendar

Below are copies of the statutory academic year calendar that can be printed or downloaded.

The number of INSET days schools may take each year is detailed in the calendars below. For details of when specific schools have chosen to take their INSET days please consult School Finder.

DfE guidance on the school year and school day

For more information please click here

Bradford Council Recommendations

Where a Governing Body wishes to review the school day, then its proposals should take account of the following:

  1. Where the proposals affect the length of the school lunchtime and could consequently change lunchtime staffing arrangements, please liaise with your lunch provider to ensure that no additional costs will arise from the proposed change.
  2. Where the proposals affect the length of the school lunchtime and could consequently affect school crossing patrols, please contact Sue Heaton, 01274 439458.
  3. Where the proposals affect the beginning and/or end of the school day, you should liaise with school transport service 01274 439347, regarding implications for school transport. NOTE: School's budgets can be charged for any reasonable additional costs that may be caused for home to school transport resulting from the decision of the Governing Body to amend the school day.
  4. Schools should give full consideration to the minimum lesson time, when amending their timings for school sessions:
  • key stage 1 = 21 hours
  • key stage 2 = 23.5 hours
  • key stage 3/4 = 24 hours

School holiday arrangements

Each year the Council agrees with Trades Unions the main school holidays for the forthcoming academic year. In addition to these all schools can add closures due to in-service training (up to 5 days or equivalent). Voluntary Aided and Foundation schools may also change the agreed main school holidays to meet local needs.

How is the information used by Bradford Council?

School holidays and opening and closing times are vital information for Bradford Council. They are used, for example, to arrange bus and taxi contracts; to inform Welfare Officers about school attendance; peripatetic staff for their timetables; to arrange SIP visits.

Contact: Information Management Team

Page owned by Rebecca Caladine, last updated on 07/05/2024. This page has been viewed 63,937 times.