Statutory Consultation on Bingley Grammar School

To be completed by: Thu 10 Feb 2022

Time: -Thu 10 Feb 2022 | Venue:

Establishing a Resourced Provision and increasing the overall mainstream net capacity of the school.

The Council has published a statutory proposal relating to Bingley Grammar School in the Telegraph and Argus newspaper on Thursday 13th January 2022 and full details of the proposal can be found on the Council's website.

The Notice sets out the procedure for making comments in support of and objections against the proposal.

The Notice relating to the school will also be posted at all the school entrances, on notice boards and in any other conspicuous place at the school where it is likely to be seen by parents and others who may have an interest. The Notice will remain on display from Thursday 13th January 2022 to 10th February 2022 inclusive.   

Why are we making changes?

The Local Authority has a statutory duty to constantly review the specialist provision available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), whilst also ensuring that there are sufficient specialist places available to meet the needs of the growing SEND population.

Bradford District continues to experience a significant increase in demand for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision. Evidence shows there continues to be an increased demand for specialist places across all sectors.

Additionally, under section 14 of the Education Act 1996, Local Authorities have a statutory duty to ensure that there are sufficient schools for primary and secondary education in their areas.

Over recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of children entering the secondary phase in year 7. To support the Local Authority in meeting its statutory duty, Bingley Grammar School admitted up to an additional 30 pupils into year 7 in September 2019, 2020, and 2021, despite having difficulties in accommodating a third increased intake.

Additional built capacity to accommodate an extra form of entry would enable Bingley Grammar School to admit bulge classes until the increased demand has diminished.

If the numbers of younger children increase and the additional places are required for longer than currently forecast, new permanent, built accommodation will be the most suitable to meet the needs of those pupils.

We are now seeking the views of all stakeholders and interested parties on the development of further additional specialist places to be delivered within the Bradford District.

The Proposal is as follows:

  1. Establish a new Specialist Resourced Provision for up to 24 children and young people with Communication and Interaction needs including Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
  2. Undertake construction works at Bingley Grammar School to enlarge the school premises, increasing the overall mainstream net capacity by 150 places.

Your views are important to us, please take a few minutes to answer our short questionnaire by following the link below:

Bingley Grammar School

If you do not have access to the internet or you would prefer a paper copy of the questionnaire or any of the documents, please email your request to:

Consultation documents

If you would like further information about the proposal, please refer to the following documents:

  • The Strategic Plan 2021- Sufficiency of Specialist Places for Children and Young People in Bradford
  • Statutory proposal for prescribed alteration document
  • Consultation document
  • Map showing Shipley Schools and Resourced Provisions  
  • Full list of Consultees
  • Consultation Questionnaire
  • Equality Impact assessment
  • SEN Improvement Test
  • SEN Evidence of Need

All of the above documents can be found online by visiting the following websites: - Bradford SEND Local Offer      

Consultation Meetings

  • Due to Covid restrictions face to face public meetings cannot be held, however three virtual sessions are available as detailed below:


Tuesday 18th January 10:00am – 11:00am

Or Thursday 27th January 1:00pm -2:00pm

Or Wednesday 2nd February 6:00pm – 7:00pm

The consultation closes on Thursday, 10th February 2022.  All responses must be received by this date. 



Published: 03/02/2022
Audience: All Headteachers, School Governors and School Staff
Contact: Diane Cochrane

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