Food vouchers being sent to low-income families

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Bradford Council is giving low-income families with school-age children supermarket vouchers to help with the cost of food over the school summer holiday.

The vouchers are being given to families with school-age children and in receipt of Council Tax Reduction.

Vouchers are for £75 per school-age child. 

If a family is eligible, they will receive a letter from Bradford Council with details of how to redeem the voucher.

Letters have been posted to families and should be received by families by July 26.

If families haven’t received a voucher by July 26, but think they should be eligible, they can contact us on with their full name and address.

Please advise families to wait until July 26 to contact us. Queries cannot be dealt with before that date.



Published: 21/07/2021
Audience: all
Contact: Jane O'Connor

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