Are you (or anyone you know) a carer?

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Carers Resource is a charitable organisation based in Shipley that supports the needs of unpaid carers of any age which you may want to refer people to for support.

About Carers Resource

Carers Resource is a charitable organisation based in Shipley that supports the needs of unpaid carers ie those individuals who are looking after someone at home who is not well or has a disability or long-term illness.

Caring duties are not restricted by age and there are many young carers (less than 18 years old) and older carers. As you can imagine, caring duties never end for some, and they may be faced with looking after someone 24hrs 365 days a year. Consequently, many carers may themselves become ill due to stress or not getting a break they need from caring duties. Some may lose links with family and friends and become socially isolated. Others may lose their job or face Financial difficulties or struggle with educational goals and aspirations. Many carers see their caring role as a sense of duty and don’t know about the support that is available for them. Carers Resource offers many different services to support the needs of carers. Some of these are listed below.


Services Provided By Carers Resource

• Wellbeing Review – assessing and supporting carers needs

• Wellbeing Grant – to support the purchase of items to support a carers wellbeing needs

• Emergency Plans – to help the carer plan for unforeseen circumstances and put measures in place in case they themselves become ill.

• Young Carers and Families – support, groups and activities for young carers (those under 18 years of age).

• Worth connecting – a support to get online service with loans of iPads and access online

• CReate – to offer advice, guidance and training to support carers back to work and education.

• Home from Hospital - supporting patients that need up to 6 weeks of support at home, following a discharge from either Bradford Royal Infirmary or Airedale Hospitals.

• Carer Navigator - support for unpaid carers that are visiting a relative or person they care for that is an in patient in the above hospitals

• Support Groups & Activities – various groups and activities to support the wellbeing of carers such as relaxation and therapeutic groups, leisure activities, trips, coffee meetings and other activities.

• Allotment Group – we have 2 large allotments in which we have a qualified gardener on staff to support and enable carers to access a green space and therapeutic horticulture. Simply put many residents lack access to a green space if they live in terraced housing – this service is covid secure as it is open air and a great way for unpaid carers to link in with other peer support from experienced carers – sharing knowledge, skills and social space.

• Counselling Support – This is being trialed as a pilot at the moment, but we are arranging further funding to make this a permanent service.

• Care@ - direct care and support services for carers and cared for, such as home help and care, breaks, sitting service, personal assistant, hospital visits, befriending, and more. (Note: this is a paid-for service).

• The Carer wellbeing Project - The aims of the Carer Wellbeing Project are to identify and support hidden carers ie those carers who may not know about the support that is available to them and have not accessed services. - raise awareness and provide information about services available to carers - have a particular focus on carers from diverse backgrounds, young carers and those who have become carers as a result of the co-vid pandemic or whose caring duties have increased as a result of the pandemic. - map and support the wellbeing journey of carers referred to the service. The project aims to work with other organisations, service providers, and directly with the public to identify such carers and provide the required support.

What You Can Do To Help

  • Share the above information with your colleagues and other service providers.
  • Share the information with your clients
  • Invite us to any events, gatherings, and other activities that will help share the information
  • Invite us to team meetings where further discussion would help
  • Refer carers to Carers Resource using the details listed below.

Referrals Contact

01274 449660

Please be sure to indicate the referral has been sent as a result of contact with the Community Development Team


Published: 08/06/2021
Audience: Anyone working with unpaid carers
Contact: carers resource

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