Suspension & Exclusion Notifications to Social workers and Virtual School

To be completed by:

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As you will be aware there is new guidance and requirements on Headteacher notifications for pupil suspensions and exclusions to include social workers and/or the Virtual School, as applicable, for all new suspensions or exclusions from 1st September 2022. Model letters now on BSO to support.

Whenever a headteacher suspends or permanently excludes a pupil they must, without delay, after their decision, now also notify the social worker, if a pupil has one, and the Virtual School head teacher, if the pupil is a looked after child. This has to include details of the period of the suspension or permanent exclusion and the reason(s) for it and the wider information provided to parents and carers set out in paragraphs 65 to 68.  The duty includes informing them when a governing board meeting is taking place, in order to share information. The social worker and/or the Virtual school can attend the meeting, should they wish to do so.

To support schools to fulfil this new notification duty, model letters have been updated following work with Virtual School and Childrens Social Care colleagues about where to send a copy of the notification letter where a pupil has a social worker or is looked after.

For a child with a social worker please email a copy of the suspension or exclusion notification letter that goes to the parent/carer and further correspondence, such as governor meeting dates, and outcome of any governor meetings to named social worker.

For a child who is looked after please email a copy of the suspension or exclusion notification letter school sends to the Parent/Carer and social worker to the headteacher of the virtual school via the inbox using the subject heading ‘suspension’ or ‘exclusion’, without delay. Please also use this inbox for further correspondence, such as the invite to any Governor meeting and a copy of the decision letter on the matter of the reinstatement consideration. 


Published: 30/08/2022
Audience: School colleagues involved in suspension and exclusions and the notification of these, Social Worker
Contact: Karen Roper

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