DfE Senior Leads Training Autumn Term starting 6th September 2022

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

We still have a few places on our Senior Mental Health Leads Training course starting early September. https://skills4bradford.co.uk/Event/164091 will lead you directly to the course booking.

Please see Bradford Mental Health Senior Leads Training; Grant Funded and Approved by the DfE | Bradford Schools Online for all relevant details including how to apply for the DFE grant. You must be a senior lead within school to access the course. The course has received great reviews and is a local endeavour, so please consider joining us.

The course is also a pre-requisite for the Healthy Minds CHartermark which you can find further details of here: Bradford Healthy Minds Chartermark | Bradford Schools Online 



Published: 15/07/2022
Audience: Head Teachers, Senior Mental Health Leads, SENCOs, Pastoral Leads
Contact: Dr Kay Tasker-Smith

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