Education Partnerships Team - Common Wealth Theatre

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

I am perfect as me!

Speakers Corner

Speakers Corner is our young women's creative social space which has been established for five years and is a group of young women (usually between 14-21) who work collectively to create political and social campaigns. They currently have a call out for young artists to submit artwork and poetry to an exhibition called I Am Perfect As Me, which explores body image, mental health and self-acceptance and are asking for artists and poets to submit work, and they'll be paid £50 per artwork and £20 for poems. The deadline is the 23rd Feb.


We are calling out to young artists (11-21) to send in photographs, artworks and peoms that show how you are perfect as you!



Please email any submissions to






























Published: 11/02/2022
Audience: Secondary schools, headteachers, school admins, office staff, teachers
Contact: Fatimah Hussain

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