Climate Action Farm in a Box

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Climate Action Farm in a Box is a free, hands-on, cross-curricular programme that builds connections between farming, the food we eat, and climate change across series of progressive learning objectives

Developed by education specialists The Country Trust, the Box is aimed to

support Key Stage 2 (7-11 years) pupils by introducing the concept and consequence of global

warming whilst inviting them to reflect and explore their feelings around this often-overwhelming


The activities in the Boxes explore; weather and climate, plant growth and CO2 and how the food

we eat contributes to greenhouse gases. Short films which feature real-life farmers, show how the

changing climate is having an impact on their farms and the steps they’re taking to adapt to these

changes. Pupils are also guided to create their own pupil-led climate action plan, to identify issues

around them, and, working with their head teacher, create a plan to reduce their school’s carbon

footprint. Curricular links include science, maths, geography, English and PSHE.

The Boxes land in schools at the beginning of November, coinciding with the COP26 summit held in

Glasgow which brings parties from all over the world together to accelerate action towards the

goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change


Climate Action Farm in a Box booking opens September 1st. Eligible schools can register their

interest and book by visiting:


Thanks to support from Hiscox, Climate Action Farm in a Box is free for eligible schools


The eligibility for the Climate Action Farm in a Box is:


This Box is recommended for KS2 children and is only available to eligible schools or groups that

meet one or more of the following criteria:

• Above 23% Free School Meals eligibility.

• A Nurture or Thrive group for Pupil Premium Children.

• A school or group with children with SEN/D (NB: please note we recommend children are working

at Level 2 and above).

• A Pupil Referral Unit for primary age children.

• A group or organisation supporting disadvantaged primary children outside of formal education.

• A group supporting refugee / asylum seeker children / families.

• A group supporting vulnerable families.

• A group supporting Young Carers.



Published: 03/09/2021
Audience: schools
Contact: Kathryn Loftus

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