Prevent Train the Trainer - 13 May 2021 from 13 30 - 15 30

To be completed by: Wed 12 May 2021

Time: -Wed 12 May 2021 | Venue:

Virtual training via Teams to safeguarding leads in nursery / early years settings to deliver introductory and refresher Prevent training to staff enabling them to recognise vulnerability, the risk of radicalisation and how to take appropriate action when a concern arises.

The training will take an indepth look at the content covered in the Introduction to Prevent:

  • the aims of the Prevent strategy and the responsibilities of education settings within the duty,
  • the current level of threat and risk from extremist groups,
  • why and how extremist groups and individuals seek to radicalise others,
  • how this may appear in an early years setting,
  • what help and support looks like within the Bradford District,

In order to equip leaders to:

  • confidently convey this to staff at all levels within the school or setting,
  • have the capacity to manage and deploy training as required within your own setting,
  • take appropriate and timely action when a Prevent concern is raised,

Participants will receive a certificate of completion and a Prevent Training Pack which will include PowerPoint presentation with notes, guidance, and age-related case studies. You will be asked to submit records of training electronically for DfE monitoring purposes.

The training is free of charge and led by the City of Bradford MDC Prevent team

Booking is via Eventbrite link

This training is for settings within the Bradford District and can only be accessed through a setting email address not a personal email address.


Published: 26/04/2021
Audience: Safeguarding leads in Nurseries and Early Years sessions
Contact: Geraldine Cooper

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