Educational Setting Status (DfE) Submissions - Half Term & Nursery Settings

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The DfE have updated their guidance for the submission of attendance data yesterday.

Until recently Nursery schools have been required to submit daily attendance data via the DfE Educational Settings Status portal.

Following some communication we received from a Nursery colleague earlier in the week, we now understand that Nursery numbers will not be included in the Educational Setting Status form and should be instead included in the Early Years collection.

The DfE updated their guidance yesterday to reflect this change, as well as to include information on the submission of data over the half-term break.

We will be in touch shortly with Nursery schools to include them in the Early Years attendance collection.

If you have any queries please contact in the first instance and we will do our best to help.


Published: 21/10/2020
Audience: Headteachers, Deputy Heads
Contact: Pam Cresswell

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